11 Ways you may be unintentionally shortening your dog’s life

7. Exposing Them to Secondhand Smoke

Just as in humans, secondhand smoke can be a killer for dogs. They thrive on being close to their humans at all times and repeat exposure to toxins from cigarette smoke can result in allergies, respiratory issues, heart disease and certain types of cancer.


Tobacco is also toxic to dogs if ingested, so even having unlit cigarettes around the house puts pups at an increased risk.

8. Skipping Heartworm/Flea/Tick Prevention

This is a hot button issue for many loving pet parents. Recent trends in human and pet care call for a reduction in chemicals in favor of natural products. Unfortunately, fleas, ticks and heartworms are quite resilient and may not be eradicated by herbal products alone.

Ivermectin, Milbemycin and other active ingredients found in FDA-approved, thoroughly tested anti-parasitic products do carry a certain risk- but the number of dogs harmed by these products each year is far less than the number harmed by potentially deadly parasites. If you are concerned about how these products may affect your pup’s health, speak with your veterinarian to determine a safe protocol designed for your dog’s individual needs.

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