Ask a dog walker: dog walker salary & dog walking rates

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It’s a question that I hear all the time: “How much does a dog walker make?” I never quite know how to respond, since the most accurate answer is that there is no clear guaranteed salary associated with dog walking. Most pet care positions fall into this same category. A dog walker salary ultimately depends on many variables.

However, looking at research from reputable sources and the prices of businesses in your area can give you a good idea of what you can expect financially as a dog walker. If you’re planning to start your own dog walking business, you want to make sure you check the prices of your competitors so you don’t price yourself too high and drive customers away. If you’re looking for a dog walker, price isn’t the only thing you should be concerned about.

The cheapest dog walker may not always be the best option, and some dog walkers offer additional services. You may be able to pay a bit more and have someone water your plants, collect your mail, feed your pet or tend to other animals in your home.

You’ll also want to check the references of any dog walker you are considering, as cheaper walkers may not provide the best quality service.

Ask a Dog Walker: Dog Walker Salary & Dog Walking Rates

Dog Walker Salary

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Setting Rates

Setting appropriate rates for your dog walking services is one of the most important factors in starting a dog walking business. You’ll want to set your prices high enough to make it worth the effort, but low enough to get plenty of business without having tons of experience.

According to a survey conducted by the National Association of Professional Pet Sitters (NAPPS), animal caretakers charge a median rate of about $16.00 for a thirty minute visit, which is the length of a standard dog walk.

At this rate, if you did five walks a day every weekday, your dog walker salary would be $19,000.000 per year. If dog walking is your sole profession and you offer a range of services, you will most likely make more than this.

Video: Dog Walker

Most dog walkers price competitively with strong consideration for supply and demand so one of the best ways to set a reasonable dog walking rate is to do some research on the prices of walkers in your area and base your prices around those.

Dog Walker Salary & Dog Walking RatesIf we use the NAPPS median rate of $16.00 for a thirty minute walk, it would be reasonable for a new dog walker to charge about $12.00 – $14.00 for a dog walk of the same length of time.

This rule applies to whatever service you are providing. Take off just enough of the price to set yourself at a good value.

As you become more confident and are able to gather references, you can raise your prices slightly, thus increasing your dog walker salary.

It’s up to you if you choose to require long term clients to bump their payments up to the new rate or keep them at the rate they started with. If you want them to pay the more expensive rate, you’ll need to notify them well in advance.

You can also look to high profile dog walking services like Wag when setting your rates, even if you don’t plan to work for them. A half hour walk costs $20.00 with Wag and $22.00 with Fetch Pet Care. You’ll probably want to keep your prices lower than this for a while, since some of this extra cost is for level of convenience and the security that these companies can provide.

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