Canine urinalysis explained

Video: Interpretation of the Urinalysis (Part 3) - Microscopy and Summary

Canine urinalysis is used to detect diseases of the urinary system. It also screens for illnesses of other organs, including the liver.

First You Have to Collect a Sample

Urine is collected in clean, dry container. Samples can be obtained several ways. The urine can be collected in a clean, dry container as it is passed, or the bladder can be manually expressed or a catheter or needle aspiration can remove urine directly from the bladder.

Video: Urinalysis

Microscopic Examination and Chemical Evaluation

Urinalysis involves several parts. First, the urine is examined by eye for color and turbidity. Normally, canine urine is clear and some shade of yellow. Red, green or brown colors or excessive cloudiness may indicate an illness.

Video: Your Pet Your Vet - TCAC Episode 9 - Testing/Urinalysis

Urine is then examined microscopically. Blood cells, bacteria, epithelial cells and urinary crystals can be seen under the microscope. Chemical evaluation, also known as the dipstick test, tests for blood, glucose, ketones, pH, proteins and other parameters. Some dipsticks also include leukocytes and nitrite analysis.

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