Dog paddle 101: lesser known pool dangers for dogs

Video: Dog paddling pool

When we’re out at the beach or enjoying our scenic rivers and lakes, it’s fairly common to see dogs out enjoying our wonderful waterways along with their beloved owners. But for some specific dog breeds and other unique circumstances, splashing around and swimming with our pets can be dangerous. There are numerous pool dangers for dogs that you need to be aware of in order to keep your pet safe this summer.

For dogs that are susceptible to Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome (or BAS), the shape of their head and snout can make swimming difficult or even deadly. It’s believed that many dogs with BAS have acquired this condition from over-breeding. Some of these breeds include bull terriers, pugs and boxers.

As humans seek to have canines with shorter snouts, broader foreheads and flattened faces, this has created breathing difficulties and other problems with the development these types of dogs. Other breeds don’t care much for the water either. It’s not just your pet’s physical features that can effect his safety in the pool.

Video: Tommy Chihuahua's Swimming Lesson

Dog Paddle 101: Lesser Known Pool Dangers For Dogs

Pool Dangers For Dogs

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