This dog has his very own unique swimming style!
Video: Dog demonstrates hilariously unique method of swimming
Dogs have the innate ability to swim. Unlike humans who need swimming lessons, most puppies somehow just know how to swim. A dog’s swimming style is called “the doggy paddle”–where they paddle with their front and hind legs, and their bodies glide through the water. (Note: keep in mind that some dogs are better swimmers than others and should always be carefully introduced to water for their first swim!)
Video: 3 Drills to Improve Freestyle Stroke | Swimming Lessons
However the Doberman in the video below has a unique swimming style. It’s like vertical swimming! It seems as though this dog is standing on the water and is paddling using only his front paws! Check out the video below!
LOL! That swimming style sure is different from the usual doggy paddle we know!
Video: Freestyle Swimming Technique | Kick
Does your dog have his own unique style of swimming? Tell us about it in the comments section below!