Doga 101: benefits and necessary precautions for doing dog yoga

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Doga 101 - Benefits and Necessary Precautions for Doing Dog Yoga

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Have you ever heard of Doga? It’s yoga… with dogs! If you haven’t heard of this before (where have you been?!) I guarantee this article will fascinate you, because the downward facing dog pose is no more just for humans. And if you do know a little about Doga already, then as someone who’s done it for quite some time, I’ll introduce you to how you can start doing yoga with your own Fido and why you should get into Doga (or Dog Yoga) in the first place!

Yoga practice continues to grow an exponential pace. Today, people from all walks of life begin including yoga in their daily schedule. No wonder, because it’s a great way to stay in shape while also finding some time to relax your body and mind. Yoga isn’t just for flexibility but also general body strength, mental clarity and it works perfect as a stress-reliever. It can even serve as a well-rounded choice for people who are short on time.

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It seems that in particular, yoga can provide the most benefits for women, and research has supported this over and over again. Here are some proven benefits of yoga based on science:

  • It’s a therapy for depression and anxiety-related disorders
  • Yoga helps with lower back pain and its associated side effects
  • Pregnant women will find this to be an amazin stress reliever
  • Yoga helps to cope with post-breast cancer surgery effects
  • Have an addiction? Try doing yoga!

What is Doga - Yoga with DogsThere are a lot more studies on the benefits of yoga for both men and women, and I recommend you read this, this and this if you’re curious.

With how great yoga is for so many people, how could it possibly get better? The answer is simple – take your dog with you!

Doga is a new way to practice yoga with your pet, meaning your pup gets the benefits too (maybe). Unfortunately, scientists are yet to research how doing yoga with dogs can affect your pet. Regardless of the lack of science on this, the main benefit for your Fido doing yoga together with you is human-dog bonding, which has in fact a lot of research behind it.

Once you understand what this exercise program is and the amazing benefits that it can have for you and your dog, you’ll start to wonder why you haven’t tried it before. Due to how popular both yoga and Doga are becoming, it’s likely available in your local yoga studio. If there isn’t a studio in your area, there are plenty of resources available on learning about Doga and practicing yoga with your dog. I’ll list those at the end of the article.

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Doga 101: The Practice of Doing Yoga With Your Dog

Doga 101 The Practice of Doing Yoga With Your Dog

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