How to start an indoor dog park

Video: Rhode Island's first indoor dog park

How to Start an Indoor Dog Park

As leash laws have become more restrictive and cities are becoming more and more crowded, many concerned dog owners are using indoor dog parks as a place to spend quality time with their pets. But just what is an “indoor dog park,” and what benefits can one bring to your city or town?

Video: FAQ - park size at Unleashed Indoor Dog Parks

Outdoor dog parks are great if the weather is good, but what if it’s not? Indoor dog parks allow dogs and their owners to socialize in a climate-controlled, safe, indoor environment. Many of them also offer general educational classes, dog-training classes, doggy daycare, and special events.

Indoor dog parks have become increasingly popular. Pet owners are realizing the importance of socializing their dogs, and they are searching for dog-friendly environments that encourage such activities.

Video: FAQ - handlers & staff at Unleashed Indoor Dog Parks

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