Let’s talk: what your dog’s sleeping position says about him

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What Your Dog`s Sleeping Position Says About Him

What Your Dog`s Sleeping Position Says About HimDid you know that the average dog sleeps about 12-13 hours each day? Puppies and senior dogs sleep even more than that! And did you know that the position he sleeps in can actually tell you a lot about the way he’s feeling?

Some dogs tend to sleep in the same position most of the time, while others will alternate between a few common positions. Dogs are good at catching a little shuteye whenever the opportunity presents itself. The quick naps that they often take are usually spent in a very light sleep- it takes a longer period of time to achieve deep, restful sleep.

Typically your pet’s sleep schedule will depend on what he does all day. Dogs left home alone for many hours at a time will often sleep more than 12-13 hours per day. Working dogs and dogs kept outdoors may sleep much less. Your dog will choose a sleeping position based on his mood and what his needs are at the time. Different positions will allow him to do many things, from jumping up quickly if need be to conserving body heat.

Video: What Your Sleeping Position Says About You

Let’s Talk: What Your Dog’s Sleeping Position Says About Him

What Your Dog`s Sleeping Position Says About Him

The Side Sleeper

What Your Dog`s Sleeping Position Says About Him

This is by far the most common sleeping position for dogs. This is a peaceful position that shows that your pup is comfortable with his surroundings. If your dog sleeps like this it means he is very secure and ready to take a long rest.

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A dog who typically sleeps on his side is likely to be easy-going and happy. It shows that he trusts you and the other members of your family. Dogs that typically sleep in this position are usually comfortable just about anywhere and adapt easily to new surroundings.

The Fox Position

What Your Dog`s Sleeping Position Says About Him

Sleeping curled up in a ball, like a fox, is another common position. It’s also the most defensive sleeping position. By curling himself up in a ball, your dog is able to conserve body heat and protect his face, throat, limbs and all vital organs at the same time.

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The fox sleeping position involves tucking the paws underneath the body and wrapping the tail around the face. This is not a very restful position, as your dog will need to keep his body very tense to stay curled in a ball like this. Some researchers say that a dog may do this to revert back his natural instincts, while others say it is just likely that your pup is cold.

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