One dog catches the treat, but the other dog does something even better!

We aren’t all born with amazing hand-eye coordination. If we were, sport superstars wouldn’t get paid those ridiculous salaries for what they do, because we could all do it.

Video: Dog Fetch Fails

Well, the same holds true for eye-mouth coordination in dogs.

Not every dog is destined to be a great fetcher. Or catcher of treats. Sad, but true.

And, just like kids in gym class, it doesn’t matter how much you tell them to keep their eye on that ball (or treat), or how many times you ask them if they are ready.

Many of these poos dogs will end up just like Sophie in this adorable video from Planet Paws, embarrassed in front of their doggie friends.

We feel for you Sophie. Most of us spent our gym years with exact expression on our face:


Video: Rescuer Thinks She Saved 1 Dog, Unknowingly Saves 6

Don’t worry, we are sure you are a pro at heel-work.

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