Radiograph or x-ray use in dogs

Video: Veterinary Imaging- Xray demonstration

Do infections show on X-ray

Question: Dr. Richards,

Would infections appear on an X-ray? I can`t imagine it doing so.

Tony A.

Video: Digital Chest X-ray Of Dog, Smithfield Road Veterinary Hospital, PLLC, Knightdale, N.C.

Answer: Tony;

Some infections show up really well on X-rays if they are severe and can sometimes be detected early in the infectious process or show up when contrast dyes are used. I don`t know that I can write a complete list, but these are some of the ones that are visible:

Video: The Importance of "Precise Positioning Technique™" for OFA radiographs for Canine Hip Dysplasia

osteomyelitis (infection of the bone) discospondylitis (infection of spinal discs and the ends of the vertebrae) pyometra (uterine infection) -- when the uterus is enlarged by accumulation of pus pyelonephritis (kidney infection) -- dyes can help show this periodontal infections peritonitis -- can`t be absolutely determined to be the cause of fluid accumulation by X-rays but they are helpful infections of the abdominal lymph nodes sometimes show up on X-rays pneumonia chronic bronchitis gas forming infections in muscles some abscesses systemic fungal infections

There are probably others but these are the ones that I can think of off-hand. There are lots of times when X-rays aren`t useful in finding infections but they are a good tool for finding them sometimes.

Video: Standard Canine Digital Dental Radiography

Mike Richards, DVM 12/14/2001

Last edited 08/30/02

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