The friends intro has been remade with puppies…and yes, it’s as amazing as it sounds

Video: DanTDM Sings his intro [The Red one has been chosen]

For a lot of humans, the beloved show Friends is considered a pop culture staple. But now…it’s about to get even better. How, you wonder? With the addition of puppies, of course!

Video: The Powerpuff Girls Reboot Spectacular!

Buzzfeed has given the New York set sitcom a doggie makeover, and we could not be happier. In the video below, we see the iconic show’s intro recreated with puppies starring as cast members. Spoiler alert: it’s AWESOME.

In addition to this being downright adorable and hilarious (puns include Jenni-FUR Aniston), it’s also doing a lot of good for the doggie actors it features. Buzzfeed partnered with Pet Rescue New York, a non-profit organization that helps homeless, abandoned animals get a second chance at finding a home. So much cuteness…so many puppies. So many 90s feels. Enjoy:

Video: Stranger Things Soundtrack - Main Theme (10 minute version)

“Puppies will be there for youuuu” – Let us know what you thought of this clever video!

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