The over the counter pet allergy medicine guide

Pet allergy medicines should only be administered to animals after consulting the veterinarian. Pet allergies are very common among dogs and cats. At times, many of the dog and cat owners tend to give human allergy medicines to dogs and cats without consulting the veterinarian, which can be extremely dangerous.

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The medical condition of the dogs and cats should be kept in mind before any kind of over the counter (OTC) medication is administered. For instance, if the dog already has liver disease, it may worsen on the use of certain medications. Moreover, the dosage of cat allergy medicines is usually less than that of dog allergy medicines. Never use human dosage for cats and dogs as it may lead to other long-term complications.

Please note that the following information is for reference and should never be substituted with a veterinarian`s opinion. This is because a drug that is generally safe for pets may not be safe for your dog or cat. The recommended dosage given in brackets is an approximate value, and it may vary across animals depending on their size and medical conditions.

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Types of Allergies

The common types of allergies affecting your pet will be food, skin and dust mite allergies. Before resorting to a synthetic OTC drug, it is safe to go for a natural option such as essential oils and Aloe Vera gel. The major advantage of natural products is that they have minimal side effects.


Antibiotics such as Tetracycline, Amoxicillin, and Ampicillin are considered safe for dogs. These drugs are mainly used to fight bacterial infections. In the case of Tetracycline and Ampicillin, the same dose can be used for cats.

Safe Pet Allergy Medicines

Pain reliever for swelling due to allergies: Buffered aspirin can be given to dogs along with food. The common side effects are vomiting and diarrhea. However, aspirin is toxic in the case of felines.

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Diarrhea due to food allergy: Discontinue any newly introduced food. Pepto Bismol can be given to dogs suffering from vomiting and diarrhea. This medication is also toxic to cats. On the other hand, Loperamide can be given to both dogs and cats. Kaopectate also helps in relieving diarrhea in cats and dogs.

Allergic reactions on skin: Benadryl, an anti-histamine, is used for treating itching and other skin irritations due to allergies in pets. Flea allergy dermatitis can be treated using an organic flea spray like Tombstone. Essential oils of cedar wood and lavender can be used for soothing skin rashes and for a cooling effect, respectively. 100% pure Aloe Vera gels can also relive itching in your pet. Dogs and cats may develop skin allergies because of the use of new skin care products like shampoos and sprays. Once the dog or cat is found to be allergic to such change in products, discontinue their use immediately. Hydrocortisone solutions and shampoos can be used to soothe itchy skin. Other anti-histamines that can be used on pets are Atarax, Tavist and Chlor-Trimethon.

Other problems related to food allergies: Always discontinue any newly introduced foods if the dog shows any symptoms of food. Di-Gel liquid suspension can be used for both cats and dogs as an antacid. Mineral oil (2 to 4 tablespoons daily) can be used for a constipated pet.

Toxic Drugs

Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Benzocaine and Paracetamol should never be given to dogs or cats for any kind of allergy.

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