Traveling by car with an overactive dog?

Video: How To - Travel with Pet in car - Autoportal

Thelma, Louise and Fido

by Xiomara

Taking your dog along on a road trip can be one of the most rewarding and fun experiences ever.But if you happen to own a dog with an overactive, nervous, anxious or restless personality on land, the thought of being in a moving vehicle with them can seem like a dreaded “adventure”.However, preparation is key to a successful road trip with your four-legged family member.Review the following list before you and your pooch attempt a road trip.

Video: Puppy in a Car - First Trip

  • Test drive – If you’re not used to taking your dog on short car runs to the park, grocery store, or anywhere else then test driving your dog before the big travel date is a must.First, know that the main reason a dog acts out is because they’re feeling stressed or nervous, so easing them into a longer car ride by taking them on shorter rides will get them used to the car.Additionally, you can use a safe and effective product like Sleepytime tonic before your trip.Unlike drugging your pooch into calming, Sleepytime tonic actually works to replenish his physical nervous system.
  • Fasten up – That’s right, buckle your pooch up.The American Pet Products Manufacturers Association (APPMA) claims that 59% of dog owners don’t secure their dogs in a vehicle, but that may all be changing soon.As state laws progress and get more pressure from concerned dog lovers, you may no longer see dogs riding on the laps of drivers with their heads hanging out the window.Purchasing a special harness and securing your pet can cause less damage and even save their lives in the event of an accident.
  • Food & Hydration – Always an important factor when it comes to your dog and especially on the road, it’s important that you pack food from home.Although, a road trip is an excellent time for you to try those new town cuisines, it’s not so much the case with your dog.Since their digestive system can get a little out of control, you’ll notice it in their bad breath and gases, so help it out with Dog Smog Remedy .Pack treats, food and even water from home look for portable doggie bowls .Sometimes they don’t feel like drinking inside the car so make sure to offer them water once you’re outside.
  • Exercise – While on the road your dog will want stretch breaks just like the driver.By nature, overactive dogs need to be exercised more than mellow dogs, so take them out on those pit stops and walk them around.Watch them sniff and discover new found territory.
  • Cleanliness – Let’s not forget hygiene while we’re away.A good travel pack will include a spray like dry dog instant clean because we can’t always find the space or time to wash our smelly friend.And what’s a vacation with no bugs of some kind?Well, your pooch should be protected from mosquitoes or fleas while on hiatus, too. And don’t forget that dog’s can get sunburned too!

Research from the APPMA found that 15 million Americans travel with their pets each year.That’s an astounding number to consider, so why not leave those apprehensions that may be holding you back from traveling the road most traveled?

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