Can I give my dog ginger ale?

Video: My dog want ginger ale ��

Can I Give My Dog Ginger Ale?Perhaps your family has long used ginger ale for helping with the occasional upset tummy. You may have gotten some relief but could the same soda solution work for a dog? After all, sometimes such common remedies also work for pets.

In our opinion, this is one idea that isn’t practical, effective or wise. We believe there’s no valid reason to give your dog any ginger ale whatsoever. It really won’t make their situation any better and there actually several downsides.

If you’re searching for a liquid, besides water, to help your dog then consider something other than ginger ale. Providing this carbonated soft drink to your best buddy is questionable. Don’t complicate matters and consider alternatives.

Can I Give My Dog Ginger Ale? Answer: Not Recommended

Ginger ale is highly inappropriate for dogs, as is all types of soda.

Video: My dog with a ginger ale box on his head

Consider what this beverage contains which is loads of harmful chemicals. There’s barely a trace of actual ginger in it. Besides, when dogs experience an upset stomach there’s usually not much cause for concern. Most of the time nothing needs to be done and the situation resolves itself. It’s best not to introduce ginger ale in the belief that you are making a difference.

Your dog will most likely rebound naturally but if they do need help consider Pedialyte or explore other solutions.

Today’s Ginger Ale

A long time ago, when ginger ale was made with a considerable amount of real ginger, it was known to have some positive effect on human digestion. Many relied on it for easing things like upset stomach, nausea and even indigestion. Nowadays, commercially produced ginger ale contains high fructose corn syrup and other nasty chemicals that make it taste the way it does. The truth is that there’s all sorts of undesirable acids and carbonation that will do anything but soothe your dog’s stomach.

The Negative Net Effect

If you allow your best buddy to consume ginger ale, especially on any kind of regular basis, they will likely gain weight and become sluggish. A single can of Canada Dry, for example, contains 140 calories and a whopping 35 grams of sugar. It’s also fairly high in carbs and there is basically no positive aspect to drinking it.

Make no mistake about it, the characteristics of ginger ale are multiplied when introduced into a smaller canine body. It’s unfortunate that this well-known drink is sometimes viewed as being useful and even healthy. Whatever the scenario, there is no logical reason to give your dog any ginger ale so it’s best to refrain from doing so.

Dehydration & Other Factors

Let’s be clear. Ginger ale is not a health drink, for you or your dog or anyone else. In fact, this soft drink doesn’t even make for an effective way to prevent dehydration. Plain old water will work much better for whatever reason you may be considering ginger ale. All the sugar, fructose and glucose will eventually take a toll on your dog if you make a habit of providing it. Don’t do it, seriously!

In Regards to Vomiting

Vomiting is your dog’s way to remove something from their system that doesn’t belong. In most cases, you shouldn’t be trying to stifle this natural process which works to cleanse the body. You also don’t need to do anything in order to encourage it, so keep the ginger ale for yourself.

Just be sure to give your dog lots of space, and water and get the cleaning products ready. That’s all you can do and it’s all that’s usually needed, unless of course the situation is serious and requires veterinary assistance.

Conclusion on Ginger Ale

Ginger Ale, and all soda really, is really not okay for pet dogs. No matter what your reasons for considering it, avoid serving this sweetened soft drink. This carbonated beverage isn’t going to help matters, regardless of the circumstances. Actually, this popular drink is generally unhealthy for your pooch because it contains lots of junk. Make a trip to the vet for recurring or very serious stomach problems. In any case, no amount of ginger ale is going to help them.

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