Ask a vet: is it safe to take my dog running with me?


dog-runnerMany people these days find running to be a great way to keep in shape and they wonder if they can take their dog along. Veterinarians and physicians alike agree that exercise is a wonderful way to maintain health, both mental and physical. If you want to take your dog along on your runs there are a few things you should consider.

How rigorous are your runs? Make sure you are not asking too much of your dog who may not be as conditioned for the challenge as you are. Avoid taking your dog on a full length run without allowing him time to build up his strength and stamina. Start with short runs and see how he does. Make sure he seems to enjoy the exercise as much as you do.

Is he a very young dog? Excessive stress on the joints of a growing animal is not a good idea. If your dog is still a puppy, especially a large breed puppy who has a lot of growing to do, it might be a better idea to keep the the distance shorter and build up the demand required by the run after he is skeletally mature. You can start increasing the demand gradually after he is approximately 8 to 9 months old. Remember to stay tuned in to your dog and never push him past his point of exhaustion.

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Consider the physical conditions of the run. Is it hot? Is the footing rough? Don’t forget your dog doesn’t have running shoes so consider the wear and sensitivity of his foot pads. Hot pavement is a bad idea. If you have a very small breed dog, remember the number of steps she must take in order to keep up with your lengthy strides.

The most important consideration for allowing your dog to accompany you on long distance runs is probably whether or not your dog is healthy enough for such a physical demand. Ask your veterinarian if he or she thinks it is safe for your dog. Together you can come up with a plan to account for any issues your dog might have and to gradually build up your dog strength and stamina so that the exercise is enjoyable for you both.

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