Does a destructive dog need prozac?

Video: My Dog Needs Prozac

Dogs are not disposable toys to be played with until you lose interest and then pretty much ignore after that. They have feelings, are intelligent, and look to you as their provider for not only food, water, a safe environment to live in, as well as “attention” from you. When you ignore this loyal animal they will usually do what humans may consider bizarre behaviors in an effort to get the attention they crave.

Why did you bring that adorable little puppy into your life to begin with? Owning a dog is a long term commitment that you make to provide all the necessary needs of the dog, and this includes keeping your dog happy by spending time with them. You might be very surprised at how your dog’s behavior will change when you show you love them by grabbing their leash and going for a walk every day. The dog works off all the excess energy, gets to see a change in their daily environment, is healthier, and is far less likely to rip apart your favorite pair of shoes because they are bored out of their minds.

In my opinion, “NO” is the correct answer to does a destructive dog need Prozac, if you live up to your end of the bargain of owning a dog. I know we lead busy lives and sometimes there is no left over time for spending time with your dog. But you need to make the effort to do so as often as possible. The pup deserves this and you will have a happier dog and far less concerns about the dog’s behavior.

Video: Cats & Dogs Need Prozac Now? An Anti-Psychiatric Perspective

Before you even think of trying to get Prozac for your dog, make a special effort to work your buddy out to the point of exhaustion every day for a couple of weeks. Playing “fetch” is a great way to do it without much physical effort on your part when you’re exhausted after a hard day. I’d almost bet a dollar to a doughnut that the destructive behavior will disappear.

If not, THEN is the time to see a vet, not before.

How do you deal with your dog’s needs if there has been destructive behavior? Please share your tips and your own personal rants below!

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