How to get pet stains out of the carpet and furniture

Video: How to Remove Pet Stains and Urine Odor from carpet ...

How to Get Pet Stains Out of the Carpet and Furniture

Uh-oh, you’ve come home to see a stain left on the carpet. Unfortunately this is a common problem for pet parents. If you have a senior dog who has trouble holding their business in, a puppy who’s learning house training, or just a dog who’s had a little accident, then you know getting pet stains out of the furniture and the carpet can sometimes be tricky.

Remember not to be too strict with your dog if they’ve had an accident- sometimes it’s not their fault.

Puppies that are learning to house train need to be disciplined, but be sure to scold them accordingly. House training takes time and patience, and you’ll certainly have to clean up a lot of messes. It’s all part of owning a puppy. You just need to learn how to get pet stains out of the carpet and furniture.

How to Get Pet Stains Out of the Carpet and Furniture

When my dog was just a puppy, and going through house training, I went through a number of products to help get the stains and the lingering odors out. I found that only one product worked incredibly well, which is Nature’s Miracle Advanced Stain & Odor Remover.

This fantastic product really changed the way stains were removed from my carpet. I still use Advanced Stain & Odor Remover to this day, and my dog is nearly 2-years-old. I highly recommend it!

Nature’s Miracle Advanced Stain & Odor Remover

How to Get Pet Stains Out of the Carpet and FurnitureWhenever someone asks me which product I use to get stains and odors out of my carpet and furniture from my dog’s accidents, I always recommend this one. Advanced Stain & Odor Remover eliminates odors and stains, and keeps them away. My dog loves playing in puddles, grass, and mud, so when she comes back in from playing outside, I find paw prints everywhere. Thankfully, this product also removes grass and dirt stains, as well as the odor of wet dog.

This product is 100% natural and safe, so you don’t have to ask your children or your pets to leave the room while using it. Advanced Stain & Odor Remover cleans all traces of pet mess, which helps to discourage the spread of pet waste. It also cleans the carpet so well, that any trace of pet odor will be gone instantly. This means that the next time your dog looks for a place to go pee, it’ll be at the door, and not the carpet where they had an accident before!

Another thing that I really enjoy about this product is that it has a light, clean scent. Some cleaning products, especially the ones that are supposed to remove odors, have such a potent smell they make you nauseous. Nature’s Miracle Stain and Odor Remover is not only safe for use on carpets, but you can also use it on hard surfaces, kennels, carriers, and even on clothing and blankets.

The way Advanced Stain & Odor Remover works is actually pretty neat, and once you understand how it does it you’ll realize why it works better than most other products. The company’s bio-enzymatic formula specifically reacts to organic stains and odors. This means it wipes out the issue instead of just masking it with a strong chemical odor.

One more thing to add to the list of reasons why I love this product, is because it dries right before your eyes, almost instantly, after you’ve used a cloth or paper towel to wipe the mess away. This amazing feature stops the tracking of the product through your house.

How to Remove Stains with Advanced Stain & Odor Remover

Learning how to get pet stains out of the carpet and furniture is simple. Start by tracking down where the accident happened. If you know your dog as well as I know mine, then you know exactly when they’ve had an accident, because of the guilty look on their face. Once you’ve found it, examine the accident.

Video: Set in Stain on Carpet, how to get rid of it

If it’s dried into the carpet, then you’re going to need to completely cover the spot in a good amount of Advanced Stain & Odor Remover, and let it soak for a couple of minutes. If it’s a new spot, and hasn’t had a chance to dry yet, then even better! Spray a layer onto the spot and wipe the mess up.

Once you’ve got the mess all cleaned up, you’re going to need to use another layer. I do a second spray on top of where the mess used to be, so that area of the carpet (or the hardwood floor) can have a chance to breathe. This also ensures that whatever mess and odor was left there before, has now completely left the building.

Spray another generous layer on top of the spot where the mess used to be, and let it sit for 5 minutes. Once enough time has gone by, take a dish towel, a cloth, or some paper towel and lightly dab the area.

I Can Still Smell it!

If you can still smell the odor that was left behind from the mess that was made, then you have a few options. The easiest would be to use more Advanced Stain & Odor Remover. You’ll have to completely soak the area where the odor is coming from.

Take the spray head out of the bottle, dump a ton of the product on top of the spot, and just forget about it. After about an hour or so, go back and see how dry it is. Check to see if the smell is still there, which means you’ll probably have to put your face a centimeter away from the spot.

How to Get Pet Stains Out of the Carpet and Furniture

If the smell is still there, then dump some more on the spot and leave it for at least 2 hours. If the smell is still there when you return, keep trying a couple more times. If it still wont’ go away, then I’m sorry, but you’ll have to take more extreme measures. Leftover odors mean that some of the urine is left in the carpeting or the floor. If you don’t remove it, mold may be created and the air quality in your house will be affected.

Video: Pet urine stain removal tips

You can start by trying to wash the carpet with a rug cleaner. You may already have one, or maybe you can borrow one from a family member or friend. If not, no worries. Many equipment rental businesses rent rug cleaners and it should be fairly inexpensive to rent one for an afternoon.

If you can still smell the odor after you’ve tried using Advanced Stain & Odor Remover and you’ve washed the rug multiple times, unfortunately you’re going to need to take the carpet up. Yes, this becomes quite a hassle, but it’s better in the long run. If you have an area rug, great. If not, I’m sorry, but that carpet has to come up.

My Experience With Advanced

In my experience, and opinion, Nature’s Miracle Stain and Odor Remover is the best cleaning product when it comes to removing pet stains and odors out of your furniture and your carpet. There are so many cleaning products available to pet owners, and it is impossible to tell which ones really work without trying them out.

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There are powders that work by soaking up the urine from the carpet and locking in the odor as well as sprays, foams, and even some gel products. I’ve tried a lot of different brands and styles of stain and odor removers, and this one from Nature’s Miracle is my favorite by far. It has worked a million times better than any other product I’ve tried, and I highly recommend it.

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