Puppy socialization 101

You want your puppy to see the world as a friendly place, and the people and animals he shares it with as his friends.

To make sure this happens, it`simportant to introduce him to as many new and different people, sights,sounds, smells and situations as possible... and as early as is safe and practical.

Puppy socialization helps build confident, friendly puppies who mature into well-behaved, calm and sociable dogs.

To help you learn how to socialize your puppy, I`ve puttogether a list of the different kinds of people, places and objects toinclude in your regular daily routines and outings.

Video: Puppy Training 101

How To Socialize Your Puppy To People

It`s a good idea to start your puppy socialization program by aiming to meet one new person every day.

Dogs aren`t very good at generalization, and your little guy won`t necessarilyrecognize a very tall man with a hat as being of the same species as ashort lady wearing a dress!

Someone who looks different to the other people he is used to seeing, may be perceived as threatening or scary.

Make sure your pup has positive experiences with all of these:

  • Children (including toddlers & babies if possible)

  • Teenagers and young adults

  • Adults

  • Elderly

  • Handicapped (people using wheelchairs, canes and walkers too)

  • Tall people

  • Short people

  • Men with beards/mustache/facial hair

  • People wearing hats

  • People with different color skin/complexion

  • Men with deep voices

  • Women & children with high voices

  • Women/girls with flowing skirts

Helping Your Pup Feel Confident In New Environments

An important part of puppy socialization is getting your pup to feel comfortable in strange or unfamiliar surroundings.

If Fido only ever spends time in your home or yard, a trip toPetsmart (or even to the veterinarian`s office) can be scary for him.

Once your puppy has had all hispuppy vaccinations, try to make a trip to one of the following places (or any others youcan think up) a regular part of your puppy socialization program :

  • The Park -
    Try a daily walk to your local park, or your nearest dog park if your pup has a reliable recall (ie. `comes` when called).You can even `kill two birds with one stone`, by sitting onthe ground or on a bench near where children are playing. Feed Fidotasty treats while he watches the kids run and play, and hears theirshouts and squeals. This will help him build positive feelings aboutbeing around children.

  • The Beach -
    If you have a dog-friendly beach near you, it can be a great addition to your list of outings.The feel of the water and sand (be careful when it`s reallyhot though, as little Fido can easily burn the pads of his feet on hotsand) and the sound of the waves and seagulls, are all new andinteresting to him.

  • The Forest/Woods -
    Try a short hike through your local woodlands, nature park or naturereserve. The sounds of the birds, twigs snapping and all the fascinatingscents will keep Fido enthralled.
  • Sports Events -
    You probably don`t want to try a big football game, but a trip to thelocal youth soccer fields or baseball diamond is a great way tosocialize your puppy.The talking, cheering, shouting and all the action on the field, provide a great opportunity for puppy socialization.

There`s not enough room here to list all the places you can visitwhen you`re taking your puppy out-and-about, but the above list has afew good ideas to get you started.

Also, use your imagination and make the most of your particularenvironment.

More great chances for puppy socialization also exist here.....

Video: Havanese Puppy Socialization 101

  • Veterinarian`s office

  • Local farm or stables

  • Street fair

  • Outdoor cafe or coffee shop

  • Superstore parking lot

  • Doggy Day Care

  • Dog Obedience School

  • Pet supply store

  • Drive-thru

  • Skateboard park

Puppy Socialization - New `Things`

There are many things, or objects, that you should introduce your pupppy to as an important part of his socialization experiences.

Some you`ll find in your own home or yard, others you`ll need to go out looking for!:

  • Noisy or moving appliances (eg. vacuum, washing machine, blender etc.)

  • Stairs and steps

  • Television & radio

  • Cars, trucks & amp- buses

  • Riding IN a car, truck or bus!

  • Police/Ambulance/Fire-engine sirens

  • Bicycles

  • Skateboards and/or roller skates

  • Long grass

  • Gravel paths

  • Elevators

  • Wheelchairs, canes & walkers

  • Wind & rain

  • Rivers, creeks and the ocean

Your puppy`s socialization program is limited only by your imagination and environment.

Have fun thinking of all the exciting things you can do with yourpuppy, and be sure to give her plenty of treats and praise whenever shereacts with confidence in a new situation, or when faced with newpeople or objects.

Puppy Socialization Tips

Whenever you`re out and about with little Fido on your puppy socialization adventure, remember these few points :

  • Be prepared! -
    Always take some clean water and a bowl when you`re taking little Fidoto the park, beach or wherever. Have a spare leash on hand, and be surethat he`s wearing his ID tags too.

  • Be responsible! -
    Also have on hand a `baggie and scooper` of some sort to clean up anylittle messes your pooch may make.

    Dog owners need to be responsiblecitizens and not leave any trash or `poop` in public places.Non-dog-owning people (and other dog owners) don`t want theirenvironment spoiled by carelessness.

  • Be aware! -
    If you own a guardian breed, or one subject tobreed-specific-legislation it`s important to remember that your dog isan ambassador for it`s breed.

    A well mannered, well socialized dog with aresponsible owner can do much to improve the public perception ofindividual dog breeds.

Above all, I hope this checklist helps you to have fun with your puppy!

Socialization exercises are a great way to build and strengthenthe relationship between you and your puppy, and your hard work will berewarded when your pup matures into a confident, happy adult dog that you`reproud to be seen with!

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