Symptoms of pyometra in dogs

Pyometra is a serious infection that occurs in the uterus. It can be a very serious condition and therefore it is important that you know all of the symptoms of the infection. This will allow you to quickly recognize the problem and seek treatment without delay.

Video: Pyometra in Dogs (Surviver!)

Defining Pyometra

This is an infection that all unspayed, female dogs are susceptible to and it usually occurs within eight weeks of your dog`s latest heat cycle, since that`s when there is an increased level of progesterone. If caught early, there is a very high chance of recovery. However, if it is not recognized and treated quickly, it could easily become something fatal to your pet.

Types of Pyometra

There are two types of Pyometra: the open and the closed. The open is when there is pus leaking out of the vaginal area from the uterus, whereas the closed type is more serious, since the pus cannot drain.

Symptoms of Open Pyometra

The symptoms of Pyometra vary depending on what type your dog has. Open Pyometra is the easier to diagnose, easier to treat form and its main symptom is that of abnormal vaginal discharge. This discharge will smell very foul. With some dogs, however, you will need to check closely for this, as some dogs are very private and will do their best to clean themselves without anyone noticing anything is amiss.

Symptoms of Closed Pyometra

This is the more complicated, serious form of Pyometra. Since there is no opening, the pus cannot drain itself and thus it builds up. This build up can cause multiple problems for your pet and it comes with a lot more symptoms than the open Pyometra.

Symptoms include, but are not limited to:

  • Abdominal swelling. Since the pus cannot escape, it will build up and cause your dog`s abdomen area to swell unnaturally.
  • Difficulties getting up. With this infection and the swelling, the uterus can become so enlarged that it will cause difficulty when it comes to walking or getting up. Your dog will be forced to struggle against the weight.
  • Weakness in the rear legs. Because of the struggling to walk and get up, weakness may be apparent. This is a result of all the straining that your dog is having to do.
  • Lethargy. In some cases, this appears to happen out of nowhere. This happens because there is such a toxic build up in your dog`s system that she just is not feeling well and thus will not want to do much of anything.
  • Lack of eating. A sick dog often does not eat much, if at all.

Video: Uterus Infection or Pyometra in a Female Non-Spayed Dog

  • Drinking an excessive amount of water. A dog who is suffering from this infection will often drink an abnormal amount of water. This is an attempt to try to flush her system out of the toxins that are making her ill.
  • Excessive urination. As a result of drinking more than usual, your dog will also urinate more than what is normal.

Other Symptoms of Pyometra in a Dog

If your dog does not get proper treatment in a timely manner, then it is possible for the uterus to rupture. This could cause a high fever and sepsis, along with symptoms of shock. If your dog reaches this point, then it is critical as there is a 24 to 48 hour period before it will become fatal.

If you notice any of these symptoms in your dog, it is imperative that you quickly get your dog in to the veterinarian to get a proper diagnosis and get the infection taken care of. The sooner she is treated, the better her chances are.

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