This dog got eight iphone 7s when most people can’t even get one

To say Coco is spoiled is the understatement of the century.

The Alaskan Malamute belongs to the son of Chinese billionaire (about $30 billion, to be specific) Wang Jianlin, according to a story by CNN.

While thousands of people around the world waited hours in line to get their hands on Apple’s newest gadget, this doggy diva was posing for pictures with her stack of eight rose gold and black iPhones. The photos were posted on Weibo, a popular social media site in China.

According to CNN, Coco’s stack of phones is worth upwards of $8,000-$9,500. “In China, an iPhone 6 costs 6,988 yuan ($1,047), while the larger iPhone 7 Plus goes for 7,988 yuan ($1,197),” the story reads. But since this wealthy pup is used to the finer things in life, she doesn’t seem all that impressed.

As it turns out, this pooch is no stranger to Apple products. Last year, pictures of Coco were posted with her paws adorned with Apple Watches on “luxury bands.” The arm candy was worth around $37,000, CNN reports.

Although most likely envious, many onlookers aren’t too happy with Wang’s ostentatious social media posts that show off his immense wealth. The Xinhua news agency has even said that the young heir has “stained the purity of the Chinese (people)” and discourages others from following his lead as an “arrogant and coarse celebrity,” according to CNN.

As for Coco, what will she do with her pricey pile of iPhones? Maybe she’ll watch dog videos, or just bury them in the backyard. But this billionaire doggy does have one thing in common with the “average” iPhone 7 user: she’ll have to be careful not to lose those wireless earbuds.

(h/t: CNN)

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