This male dog “mothers” orphaned baby animals at the zoo

Video: This Dog Raises Baby Cheetahs (And Wallabies and Ocelots)

We just celebrated Mother’s Day last week. Motherhood is actually described as the state or experience of having or raising a child. This could mean that anyone, male or female, can experience motherhood. And having raised orphaned baby animals, the male dog in the video is one example.

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This male Australian Shepherd named Blakely mothers orphaned baby animals at the Cincinnati Zoo. He raises baby cheetahs, wallabies and ocelots!

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Blakely is so good at raising these animals. He plays with them, cuddles them, and teaches them how to socialize. Watch the video below for the full story!

Blakely may be a male dog, but we think he’s a very good mother to those orphaned animals.

For more cute photos of Blakely and other animals, follow the Cincinnati Zoo’s Facebook Page.

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