Puppy teething timeline

Video: Surviving Your Puppy's Teething Phase

Like humans, dogs also gradually lose their baby teeth. Puppies, like new-born babies, are born without teeth. Canines will not grow their first baby teeth till they reach about six to eight weeks of age. Dogs normally grow as many as 28 teeth, which are commonly referred to as the baby teeth or the deciduous teeth. The first few teeth that eventually fall out are the incisors, next are the premolars, and then the canines. Remember that puppies do not have molars, just the premolar teeth.

What Happens during Fido’s Teething Process

The teething process in puppies tends to continue on for several months, normally off and on. This period is usually painful and uncomfortable for the little pooch. Most of the time, the teething puppies lean towards increasing their biting as well as chewing needs as they often resort to testing out various objects with different textures in order to gain relief from the discomfort.

Video: Best Puppy Teething Tips #1

When Does He Lose his Teeth

When your little pooch is about the age of three to seven months old, his deciduous teeth would start to fall out. Each of his baby tooth roots generally becomes taken in by his emerging adult tooth, though there are times when this does not take place properly. At about three months of age, your pup will begin to lose his incisors in order to make room for the new teeth. When your pooch is four months old, his adult molar and canine teeth will start to appear. While the molars come in at the age of six or seven months, Fido’s complete set of new adult teeth emerge between the seventh or eighth months.

Video: Tips for teething puppies

What to Consider

As soon as your little pooch reaches the age of eight months old, he shall develop a total of 42 teeth. Some dogs, however, may have fewer or more. Generally speaking, the larger the breed, the quicker his teeth will emerge. To ensure that your Fido shows no bite problems, visit you vet by the time he’s three or four months of age.  To offer your little buddy some relief while he’s teething, make sure to have plenty of chew toys available in differing texture and softness. Sometimes, a washcloth dipped in water and frozen can soothe sore gums, too.

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