Rinsekit allows you to easily bathe your dog outside

Video: How to give your dog a bath outside

RinseKit Allows You To Easily Bathe Your Dog Outside

Giving your dog a bath inside can get pretty messy. Between water on the floor and walls and the dog hair clogging your shower drain, it takes as long to clean up as it does to wash your pet. Some pet parents choose to make bath time an outdoor event, but being sprayed with a hose is nerve wracking for most pups.

Video: RinseKit : Pressurized Portable Shower

The Portable Sprayer from a company RinseKit solves this issue. It is a fast, efficient, dog-friendly way to bathe your dog outside. The perfectly pressurized water spray is much gentler than a traditional garden hose. It’s much more convenient than a bucket!

RinseKit Allows You To Easily Bathe Your Dog Outside

At just $90 on Amazon, this is also a more affordable option than most dog grooming tubs that you can purchase for outdoor use. RinseKit lets you give your pet a 3 minute pressurized shower without having to use electricity or a pump. When you fill the 2-gallon water chamber, the spigot’s exact water pressure will stay contained for up to 30 days.

According to the company’s website, RinseKit’s patent eon pressure system has revolutionized the portable shower market. Say “goodbye” to traditional gravity fed camping showers. As you’ll see in the video below, you can use it to rinse your dog off if he rolls in the mud or clean his sandy paws after a trip to the beach.

I’m impressed with the versatility of the 7-setting spray nozzle. A spray stream that is suitable for a St. Bernard isn’t going to be suitable for a Chihuahua. The RinseKit allows you to customize the spray that is appropriate for your pet. It’s also a great feature if you have a multi-dog family like ours.

RinseKit Allows You To Easily Bathe Your Dog Outside

We have a spigot outside our home, but I was wondering if this doggy shower would be feasible for apartment dwellers. Thanks to the RinseKit’s lightweight design, I think it certainly would be. At just 9-pounds when empty and 24 when full, this product is easily portable.

As I mentioned, the RinseKit is sold for $89.99 on the company’s website. The pressure builds up inside because of the water pressure from your hose spigot. If you don’t have a spigot, you’ll also have to spend an additional $49.99 for a Field Fill Kit that will pressurize the device via gravity. Later this year a heater will be available for the kit.

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