Top 21 must-know dog training tips

Must-Know Dog Training Tips

Dogs and people are two very different animals. We can’t live without dogs, but then we also can’t live with them if they behave like a bona fide animal of the wild. Every passionate dog person loves a trained canine, so here are twenty one dog training tips that every owner should know about.

But first, why do you need to know this?

Even though canines are famous for being a man’s best friend, there are just too many tendencies in their behavior that eventually will get annoying for the owner. Most of those dog problems will also hurt your pets themselves, which is one of the primary reasons for dog lovers to attend to them ASAP.

On the other hand, there are things that dog owners themselves love to do (or love not to do), which ultimately annoys or otherwise affects your dog. Those things are just as important to fix, because dog ownership is a two way street – take a little, give a little. Now, let’s quickly take a look at what are some the most important and already well-known dog training tips.

Photo: Wagner Cezar

1Show affection

Begin with the easiest one – show your dog affection. Our loyal friends are social animals, and they appreciate your affection almost always.

Don’t notice only the bad things your puppy has done, but remember to also acknowledge their good behavior, preferably every single time.

2Focus on your body language

Dogs will easily pickup on all kinds of body language from humans, so you need to be aware of the type of signals you might be sending to your dog.

Learn how your pooch reacts to specific gestures or vocal commands, and use those to train your dog accordingly.


3Guide your dog

Always provide your canine with more information than a simple “no!” Remember that your pooch doesn’t understand the human language, and “no” is simply a sound-command to them.

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Whenever he has done something wrong, screaming “no” at him will tell him that he’s done something wrong but he won’t know what.

4Use things your dog loves

A great way to train your dog effectively is to use his favorite items such as dog toys or maybe an old shoe.

In addition, use other things that your dog might love: petting, affection, a game of fetch, access onto furniture or come home, etc.

Photo: Geof Wilson

5Don’t over-hype yourself

Remember to have realistic expectations about the accomplishments of your puppy.

Some dogs learn certain things faster, and others might take some more time to be trained. Be patient, and both of you will get there eventually.

6Stay consistent

Dog training requires pet owners to put in a lot of hours into this vocation, and be dedicated to achieve the goal.

If you lose sight of where your dog training is going, it will be more difficult for the dog to pick up what you’re trying to teach him. And if brakes between session are long, same applies.

Photo: Mika Hiltunen

7Don’t mislead your pooch

Be clear about the signals that you send to your dog.

For example, if your dog jumps on you whenever you get home, and you start hugging and encouraging him, then he just learned that people love when he jumps on them, and will pursue this with others.

8Keep your pet’s health in check

If you’re taking your dog’s training very seriously with rigorous exercise on a daily basis, you need to remember to occasionally check in with the vet and keep your dog’s health in check.

Some things might exhaust them and open up doors for all kinds of illnesses. Regular check ups at your local vet clinic are an important part of owning a dog.

Photo: PKub

9Reward your dog with freedom

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Affection is good, but your dog also will appreciate if as he learns new things on his own.

Let them roam free sometimes, experience the world and become aware of what is around them on a daily basis. It’s important for canine to get used to the environment and be themselves sometimes.

10Give your dogs appropriate names

There’s a whole science behind choosing a proper name for your dog.

Research this subject to find out what would be the most optimal way to name your dog so that he reacts well during training, and really understands when you address him with a command.

Photo: State Farm

11Listen to what your dog communicates

Be aware and try to see what your dog communicates to you.

By observing your pet, you can notice how they behave around other animals, if they’re happy or uncomfortable in certain situations, and similar. Don’t force your dogs to do something they’re strictly opposed to.

12Make home rules very clear

Your canine should know all the house rules from an early age, and be aware of exactly where they can go, where they can sleep and what is out of bounds for them.

This is part of a successful dog training regime and ensures that your dog is obedient at all times.

Photo: dawn ellen miller

13Know if your dogs like what you feed them

Even if it’s the most popular dog food brand, that doesn’t mean your dog will be a big fan of that product.

Test it with your pet, see how they react to your dog treat or dog food, and whether they get excited every time you get ready to feed it to them.

14Provide your dogs with their own place

It’s good when your pet have their own home, a place they know they can go to to hide.

Whether it’s a dog house, or dog bed, or a corner with a sleeping pad, it’s good to let your puppy know about the place as early as possible and have them get used to it.

Photo: Jason St Peter

15Don’t let others confuse your dog

If you’re not living alone, and there are other family members in the household that communicate with the dog, be sure to let them know on how you decided to train your pet.

If you don’t let your dog to sit on the furniture and others allow that, your dog will be confused.

16React in a timely manner

Dogs have short memories, so whenever you’re training to reinforce their good behavior or otherwise have them connect something to the actions they’ve done, you need to be quick about it.

When your dog does something positive, reinforce their good behavior immediately.

Photo: robert terrell

17Provide a generous diet

Don’t skimp on dog food, try to provide your pet with the highest quality dog food and a necessary amount of vitamins.

Adopt the diet based on your dog breed’s needs as well as based on how active your pet is. Aim for higher protein amount and dog foods with good reviews.

18Have fun with your pooch

Training’s training, but it’s also important to have fun with your dog.

Make time to spend with your canine and play a game of fetch, chase each other or simply be silly for a while and indulge your dog in some active, fun games. It’s an important part of successful dog training regime.

Photo: Barbara L. Slavin

19Don’t forget about dog treats

Stock up on high quality, good and healthy dog treats which you should use to reinforce your dog’s good behavior.

This is one of the most optimal ways to train your dog for most things, so learn how to use treats in training your dog and make the best out of it.

20Signing up for a class can help

While not completely necessary, it might be interesting and beneficial for both you and your pooch to sign up for some training classes, especially dog agility class.

Your dog will socialize with other canines, as well as well-trained dog professionals. He will get plenty of exercise and learn new things.

Photo: D. Garding

21Always end the training on a positive note

Every training session with your dog must end on a positive note.

Pet your dog, let them know that you’re happy with what he has done and try to reward them somehow. A tasty dog treat, or a little game with the dog can be a good reward for the dog to understand that it’s worth trying.

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