Would you save the dog? A moral question

Hey everyone, Ralph here and I need your help.
I saw this question on Facebook in a discussion
on morality.

I wanted to see how dog parents would answer it.

You’re driving down a crowded street. There are cars in
front of you and cars behind you. There are pedestrians on
the sidewalk.

Suddenly, traffic speeds up. Off to the side, out of the corner
of your eye, a dog pulls from their dog parent.

The dog charges out right in front of you.

If you stop, cars are going to hit you from the rear and someone can get seriously injured.
If you swerve to the left or right, a pedestrian can get injured.

But if you keep going, the dog is going to be killed.

What do you do?

There are no right or wrong answers. Just want to know what you would do.

Please answer the question below.

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