The fun-loving boxer

If you`ve ever owned (or even met) one of these dogs, it won`t surprise you to learn that they are consistently included in the AKC`s annual list of America`s most popular dog breeds. They currently hold the #7 spot.

Bandit & Ladybird (above) are classic examples of this breedspersonality. These lovable, high spirited and affectionate dogs makesgreat family pets. Theirpowerful athletic bodies, irresistibly lovable expressions, and joyful,playful natures are a winning combination.

The ancestors oftoday`s Boxer existed in Europe as early as the 16th century, but thebreed became more prominent in Germany during the 1800`s when it wasused for bull-baiting, hunting large game and also (sadly) for dogfighting. These dogs are closely related to other fighting and baiting`bully breeds` such as the various types of Bulldog, Pitbulls andStaffordshire Bull Terriers.

They were also sometimes used to herd cattle and pull carts due to their strength and willingness to work.

In the mid 19th century bull-baiting and dog-fighting became illegal in Germany (and much of Europe) and breeders and enthusiasts kept the breed alive by encouraging their use as service dogs (such as seeing-eye dogs) and police/military dogs, and also of course as family companions.

During the early 20th century this breed was introduced into the United States and became an accepted breed within the American Kennel Club in 1904. It quickly became a favorite and has been consistently popular ever since.

Boxer Dog Stats

The name of this breed originated from their habit of rearing up on two back legs and `boxing` with opponents (whether it be wild boar, or another dog!). That energy, enthusiasm and quirky personality is still very much in play today.

Country of Origin:- Germany

Size: - Medium to Large

Height: - 21 - 25 inches

Weight: - 50 - 75lbs

Color:- Fawn or Brindle. Can have white markings (calledFlashy). White dogs are not allowed to be registered with the AKC.

Temperament: - High spirited and playful. Extremely affectionate, loyal and loving.


Activity Level: - High

Grooming: - Minimal

Special Needs:- Need a lot of regular exercise. Ongoing training and socialization.

Possible Health Problems: - Hip dysplasia, cardiac problems, breathing problems, cancers.

Becauseof their shortened muzzles, this breed can have difficulty coping withhot weather. Their deep-chested build may also make them susceptible to canine bloat (or torsion)

Rocky the Boxer do on Game Day!

Boxers are a fantastic choice as pet and companion for families orsingle people. They can get along well with other animals if socializedto themearly on. Although friendly and outgoing by nature, they can be wary ofstrangers and are fearless in protecting their loved ones.

Thisbreed NEEDS human companionship and interaction and always wants to bein the center of the family. They`re intelligent, loyal and always eagerto please, but also need lots of exercise to keep them from gettingbored.

In their excitement, a full grown adult will be strongenough to knock down a child or small/frail/elderly person - totally byaccident - so, proper training and supervision is always going to be important.

This breed has the kind of face, and expression, that it`s hard to resist and my Boxer puppy pictures page has a whole host of them that are just too cute for words. Don`t miss it!

This breed has the kind of face, and expression, that it`s hard to resist....
Don`t miss my Boxer puppy pictures page!

Video: Mattingly the Boxer - Sprinkler Fun

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