3 Basic behaviors you must teach your dachshund

Dachshunds are small and cute- because of this, we often are remiss in training them. But they are a smart hound that really does like a job and can excel at everything from obedience to agility and, of course, barn hunts. Regardless of what you and your best friend will do in the future, training starts at home with basic manners. What you teach your doxie at home will depend on the rules you have – for example, some people do not want their doxies jumping on the furniture. Others don’t care. Mostly, training is a personal choice. However, there are a few basic behaviors every Dachshund should know for safety reasons.

Image Source: Tony Alter via Flickr
Image Source: Tony Alter via Flickr

#1 – Come

Like all hunting breeds, Dachshunds like to follow their nose. This can lead them astray. Some also like to chase cats or follow the person with the yummy smelling lunch bag. These are just a few reasons a solid recall is one of the most important cues to teach your doxie. No matter what catches their nose or eyes, they should come when called. A solid recall can keep your Dachshund from getting lost, hit by a car if he bolts out the door, or even prevent a dog fight should he be running toward an unfriendly dog. In short, it saves lives.

#2 – Leave It

Doxies may be small, but they can still destroy things rather quickly. If you don’t want a destroyed household – furniture, kid’s toys, etc. – or your dinner stolen, Leave It is a must teach. But Leave It is so much more than that. It can save your Dachshund’s life. A solid Leave It should get her to turn back from a poisonous animal, dangerous ledge or a busy freeway.

#3 – Stay

If your Dachshund is going to be off leash, a stay is a must. Again, that nose of theirs make them a wander risk. As soon as they pick up a trail, they completely lose track of everything else. So, being able to place them in a reliable stay is important. Stay can save your Doxie from running into the street, getting lost, etc. It can be very useful in emergency situations where you may have had to leave in a hurry without a leash. Will your dog stay? Even around the house, a stay can be helpful at doors when you are coming in with your hands full and don’t want to get tripped up by your tiny Dachshund as he tries to greet you. Putting him in a stay as you walk by can save you both from injury.

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