Dog with severely swollen face saved by rescuers in india

Animal Aid Unlimited India is an organization on a mission to rescue stray animals in India. One of the animals they rescued is a dog with a severely swollen face.

Video: Street dog suffering from huge abscess saved!

They received a call about a dog with a huge, life-threatening abscess on his face. When they found the poor thing, his face was so swollen, that his head looked more like a pig than a dog.

Source: Animal Aid Unlimited, India - YouTube
Source: Animal Aid Unlimited, India – YouTube

The dog was friendly, but he was a little suspicious of humans. So rescuers had to trap him. They gave him some food, and then they caught him with a net when he was not looking.

Video: Dog's shocking injury from strangling on wire noose

Source: Animal Aid Unlimited, India - YouTube
Source: Animal Aid Unlimited, India – YouTube

He was immediately checked by a vet, and they were able to drain the massive abscess on his face.

Watch the rescue video below!

Video: Animal rights group saves dog in India with massive abscess ��

What an incredible transformation! I cannot imagine how painful his face was before he was rescued and treated. A million thanks to his rescuer!

If you would like to help Animal Aid Unlimited India help street animals in need, you can send them a donation through their website.

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