Loving foster mom creates a bucket list so terminally ill dog can enjoy his last days

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Is the glass half full or half empty? This is the question that comes to mind when we are faced with a life changing decision to make. In the case of a dying pit bull named King, his foster mom at Passion 4 Pits (a nonprofit organization) took King from the Miami City Animal Shelter to give a loving home. King was abandoned by the previous owner at the shelter, already paralyzed and had no use of his hind legs.

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It was later discovered by doctors that King had an inoperable tumor on his spine, which affected his ability to walk and his given him a prediction of only 3 to 5 months left to live.

Photo Source: King
Photo Source: King’s YouCaring Page

Since the diagnosis was the worst news yet, his foster mom made the decision for King’s time left really count, complete with a bucket list. They attached a wheelchair to King’s back so he can be mobile.

Now they are scratching items on the bucket list, with things like eat ice cream, going to the beach, and playtime with other dogs, park outings, trying fast food, going on a pack walk with other dogs, eating stealing, and even throwing a party.

He has already eaten ice cream and even kissed a kitten which he loved! King has a Facebook page so people can see him live out the remainder of his life like royalty.

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So, is it half full or half empty? King and his foster moms see his life as half full and they are going to make every day count! No one deserves to die alone and we can make a big difference in the lives of the terminally ill by sharing what we can. Share how you can be part of Kings’s bucket list and make his life’s final adventure happen by donating to his You Caring fund.

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