Shelter pets are overcome with joy when gifted recycled beds

At the RSPCA in Victoria, Australia one pet’s trash is another pet’s treasure.

Video: Giving Beds To Homeless Dogs (GIVE BACK)

Several area shelter locations have retail shops whose proceeds go straight to their cause of rescuing homeless dogs and cats. Recently they asked that shoppers purchasing new pet beds donate the old ones to the animals living at the shelter.


Video: Shelter animals receiving donated beds will melt your heart!

More than 100 gently used beds were collected during the project, making the wait for forever homes a little more cozy for some very deserving kitties and pups.

RSPCA Victoria shared this heartwarming video about the project to their YouTube page.

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Victoria runs nine shelters and one community pet care center. They assist up to 20,000 animals per year as well as investigate animal cruelty cases, educate the public, and advocate for improved legislation.

They are a non-profit, non-government charity that receives 90% of their funding from the generosity of the community. The pets of Victoria can rest easy knowing that the RSPCA has their health, safety and comfort covered.

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