Their dog disappeared and 22 months later they get this call

Right before Lily turned a year old, she disappeared from her forever home without a trace. Her family was devastated- they did everything they could to find her but to no avail and after nearly 2 years, they were ready to give up on ever finding their Cavalier King Charles Spaniel ever again.

Then out of the blue, on the evening of April 17, 2012, they received a call. Lily had been found! Who would think that Lily would remember them after being lost for nearly two years yet, you wouldn’t believe her reaction when she saw her family again! Didn’t her tail remind you of the rotors of a helicopter the way it was wagging so very happily when she and her mom first saw each other again? And when the kids got home from school? Wow!!

Video: Little Boy Reunited with His Dog

How wonderful to see Lily reunited with her family again- to be back on familiar grounds with all that she is used to- with those whom she loves. Share this heartwarming video so those who have lost pets will get their hopes back once again. Never give up!

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