They named her “spaghetti” because she was so weak…but just look at her now!

Video: Eminem - Lose Yourself

This amazing story of a dog’s transformation comes from Grenada, Spain.

When a 10-month-old puppy arrived into the care of the Albergue de Animales Dog House, the visibly emaciated pup only weighed 16.5 pounds.

They named her Barilla, after the Spaghetti, because of her weak limbs- she was so malnourished, she could barely move.

“She’d been so starved of food and water when we took her in that all she could move was her head and her tail. She didn’t have any muscle mass,” said Eduardo Rodriguez, owner of the rescue center, in the Daily Mail.

“The vet said we were lucky we got her when we did because she might not have survived another night. We put her on a drip for six hours before we started feeding her.

We made her a type of harness to help her walk so she could gain muscle mass because she couldn’t support her own weight,” he added in the article.

The beginning of this video is hard to watch, but you won’t believe the transformation that Barilla undergoes!

Video: Lose Yourself Lyrics by Eminem

Would you believe she changed this much in 7 weeks?! Barilla is thought to be a Belgian Malinois mix and now weighs 46 pounds! What’s more, she’s found a home with rescue owner Rodriguez, his wife, teenage daughter, and their pack of 5 other dogs.

Video: Eminem - Lose Yourself - Spaghetti Remix

This story is incredible, and we are so glad that it’s got a happy ending!

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