How to bathe a dog 101: a step-by-step video guide

Every pup parent needs to know how to give their dog a bath. Even if you send your dog to a professional pet groomer, you may still need to give an emergency bath once in a while. Learning how to bathe a dog should be on everyone’s list before they even bring their canine companion home.

How To Bathe A Dog 101 - A Step-By-Step Video GuideMost people think bathing is just getting your dog wet, rubbing in a little shampoo and then rinsing. There is so much more to it than that! What type of shampoo are you using? How are you planning to dry your dog? Where will the bath take place?

You’ll notice that in this video I’ve used a pet towel to dry my dog. Pet towels for dogs are much more absorbent than regular human towels, and I do recommend them if you bathe your dog regularly.

We’ve put together a list of best dog towels for drying pets after a bath where we took a look at seven most absorbent options and have top picks for you.

Where do you groom and bathe your dog?

Video: Dogs 101- Australian Cattle Dog

As you can see in my video, I bathe my dogs right in our bathtub. This is common for most pet owners. Some choose to use the sink if their dogs are small enough. You could also purchase a dog grooming tub if you choose. These tubs are more expensive, but they are on raised platforms so you don’t have to bend over the entire time you’re scrubbing and rinsing your dog.

If a grooming tub is out of your price range but you want to keep the mess out of your home, you may be able to bathe your dog outside. This can get a little touchy, though, as some dogs are afraid of being sprayed with a hose. You’ll probably want to have a helper if you’re going to attempt this.

READ THIS: How To Get Your Dog To Love Bathing

No matter where you decide to bathe your dog, there are some tips that you’ll need to follow. There’s more to it than just washing and rinsing, and you’ll need to be sure that you know what you’re doing. Learning how to bathe a dog the right way will save you some grooming headaches down the road.

How to bathe a dog video guideBe sure to reward him after he gets in the tub, throughout the bathing process and after he’s finished. This is a good habit to keep even after your pet is well trained.

As you’ll notice in my video, Saddie is well trained but I still give her a treat when she gets in the bathtub and when we’re finished.

You need to be sure to associate bathing with a positive experience, or your dog will never want to get back in the tub.

For more tips like that, check out our video on how to get your dog to love grooming and stay calm during the process linked below.

Video: Morkie Dogs 101

FULL GUIDE: How To Train A Dog To Enjoy Grooming & Stay Calm

How To Bathe A Dog – Step by Step Instructions

1. Select the right grooming products

How To Bathe A DogObviously, shampoo is going to be a necessary product to have when bathing your dog. But, are you using the best shampoo? Some dog owners think it is okay to use human shampoo on their pet.


A dog’s skin has a different pH than human skin, and it’s crucial to use a shampoo formulated specifically for dogs. If you use human shampoo on your pooch it will dry out his skin and coat, cause him to itch and could do permanent damage to the appearance of his fur.

When learning how to bathe a dog, not only do you need to find a shampoo that is made specifically for dogs, but it has to be safe too. Many of the cheap shampoos you’ll find on the shelves of big box stores are made with harsh chemicals, toxins and artificial ingredients.

Over time, these harmful ingredients can leech into your dog’s blood stream through his skin and cause serious health problems.

Look for a shampoo made with natural ingredients that will be gently on your dog’s skin and coat. Do some quick research before heading to the pet store.

all-natural dog shampoo from PL360Find a shampoo that is made with your dog’s needs in mind. If he has dry skin, search for a formula that will help with that condition. If his coat is prone to mats and tangles, look for a dog shampoo that will help with that.

The all-natural dog shampoo from PL360 that I use in my video is a great choice for an all-around safe product. When in doubt, a consultation with a professional groomer can give you a lot of insight into the products that you should be using to groom your dog.

They will get you on track to buy the right shampoo, and they may also discuss other helpful products with you. Could your dog benefit from a canine conditioner or freshening spray?

NEED A RECOMMENDATION? The Best Dog Shampoo Review

How To Bathe A Dog

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