Puppy health guide

Maintaining good puppy health care is one of the most important responsibilities all new owners face.

English Bulldog puppy

Some stuff is obvious... protect Fido from dangerous situations, get his vaccinations done on time, learn to recognize the symptoms of dog illnesses and so on.

Others (such as having a first-aid kit handy, or making sure his food is of premium quality) might not come to mind right away.

This page has all the information you need to keep on top of all of these, and more, so that your little pup grows up healthy and strong - and enjoys a long, happy and active life.

Common Puppy Health Issues

Puppy healthcare isn`t `rocket science` but it can be tricky to know when your pup is really sick, what type of preventativeveterinary care is essential, or what to do about common problems.

Click on any image or link in the following block to get more info. on some of the puppy health conditions/problems you might face.....

puppy consipationPuppy Constipation

Video: How to pick a healthy puppy - Tips to choosing a healthy dog

Symptoms Of Illness In Puppies

It can be difficult to tell whether or not your new pup is sick, because many common symptoms and behavior can have more than one cause.

For example, your puppy might have a bout of diarrhea, or vomiting as a result of eating something he shouldn`t (and this in itself isn`t unusual).....

.... but these symptoms could signal the beginning of some serious illnesses - including the very deadly Parvovirus or a parasitic condition such as Coccidia, or Giardia.

Here are some of the most common symptoms of illness in dogs and puppies:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Lethargy or extreme tiredness
  • Discharge from nose or eyes (or both)
  • A fever - anything over 102F

All of these symptoms (apart from the fever) can also signal a minor problem.

A good rule of thumb is to pay attention to how your puppy is acting.

If he has some loose stools but...

  • Is eating and drinking okay and running around happily, chances are you don`t have to rush to the vet (but do take him if it doesn`t clear up within 24 hours).
  • If he seems listless and tired, won`t eat/drink as normal or seems `not quite himself`, then it`s important to have a vet check him out to make sure all is well.

Young puppies can get very sick, very fast and common diseases such as Canine Parvovirus can kill a puppy within 24 - 48 hours.

If you`re ever worried about your puppy`s health, don`t take a `wait-and-see` approach.

His life could depend on getting veterinary help right away.

Check out my Dog Illnesses page, for a comprehensive list of causes, symptoms & treatment of the most common canine diseases.

You can also get a quick, professional answer to your dog health questions online.

Check out my Ask A Vet Online page to learn more.

* Not recommended for any emergency or serious problems!

More Puppy Health Conditions

The conditions I`ve mentioned above are among the most common health worries you might face as a new puppy parent.

Good preventative veterinary care can head off a lot of problems... and can also help your puppy to live a longer, happier and more active life.

But even with the very best of care, there are still many other puppy health conditions and worries that can crop up.

Video: Puppy Love: Guide to Pugs ~ Pug Care 101

The list below has links to pages which cover a host of other problems which you might run into. 

It also contains a host of pages which discuss practical safety and prevention measures designed to maintain good canine health. 

Best Dog Health Books

Having a good book on canine health close at hand can make any puppy illness/accidentless worrying.

These are a few of the best ones, and I recommend makingsure that you have a reference book of some sort on your bookshelf...

There`s so much more than just dealing with illnesses to keeping your puppy healthy.

Things like understanding normal puppy development and knowing how to meet your pup`s nutritional needs are also very important.

I hope you`ll take the time to browse through my website and learn everything you can about taking care of your brand new little guy, after all he`s relying on you to keep him safe. Best of luck.

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